About Joel Garrison

20120902-211323.jpgJoel Garrison is an academy instructor, former investigator, freelance writer and revert to the Catholic Faith who, through years of sinning, searching, studying and praying found his way home to Rome through the Grace of God and the love of his amazing wife.

Joel loves nothing more than to share his faith. This blog has been created with the intent to defend and explain the beliefs of the Catholic church, both for Catholics and non Catholics alike. As a former fallen away Catholic and fundamentalist “Bible-only” Christian, Joel brings his unique perspective to the world of Christian apologetics.

He welcomes and relishes healthy discussion and cordial debate, and in the most charitable and Christian love prays that as many people as possible will know the Love of Christ that Joel has found, wherever their journey may take them.


Joel’s alter ego, Tim Roufa, is an expert in careers in criminal justice and criminology and writes for About.com as the Guide to Criminology Careers. You can find his work at CriminologyCareers.About.com.

Follow Tim: Twitter:@AboutCrimCareer | @TimRoufa Google+ Tim Roufa

  1. SR says:

    I love your blog and will be back to read more. God Bless, SR

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